I finally decided on the final paint colors. This has been a very hard decision for me. I hope it turns out the way my mind see it all. (fingers crossed) I will post real pics once it is all finished. Here are my choices. Keep in mind, one of my motos is BAN TAN and CHOOSE COLOR!
Kitchen/breakfast nook color (Tibetan Orange by Behr)
Formal dining room which is where Hubby's Grandmother's antique dining set is along with a few of his must haves. I think this is a great color for his masculine touch! (Red pepper by Behr) This room is not really open to the rest of the house.
This is for the foyer, living room and hallway that separates the 2 kids rooms and the kids bathroom. This color is visible from breakfast nook. and vice versa. I really like the way the blue and orange complement each other. (Gulf winds by Behr)

Kids bathroom color. I was inspired by French country for this bathroom. I wanted something not too girly, not too boyish and not too childish. We have previously had metallic stripe wallpaper of tan and silver with white tube, toilet and sink and white trim and cabinets...then took wallpaper down (don't get me started on that JOB) and painted it light gray. Hubby did not like the gray. So I decided to go a whole new direction. Everyone in the house loves this little bathroom. It is cozy and chic but not too cluttered. We are adding crown molding (not yet done) but all of the trim and cabinets will remain white. As the rest of my house...all trim and crown molding and chair rail and doors and sills and mantle are white. I really like how the white freshens up all the colors.

Finally--We are also redecorating my 6 year old daughter's room. She is ready for her grown up room she advised me. So, we are planning to take out all the baby pictures and such and really vamp up her room. She looked through several pictures with me online and chose things that she liked. She knew that my choice would be the final choice but I wanted to see where her style was going. We actually picked a lot of the same things. We recently took out the white ceiling fan that was in her room (since we bought the house) and put in a chandelier perfect for a princess. This is the color we chose, Barely Pink by Behr. We are keeping the trim white and adding crown molding in her room. Her room currently has tan carpet but once we get the time and extra money we are going to change all of the bedrooms to wood floors.
Any comments or ideas or anything!!! really anything!! is much appreciated!