Friday, August 5, 2011

For the love of PEACOCKS!!! (It's Friday )

One way to take something that you like and add to your decor in pretty much any room is by adding pillows. Either in the color palette or an image. Since I love peacocks here a few examples of ways to add the image on a pillow to any room.

Personally I will take all 3!! I will find a home for them all (somewhere) :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

How did I make my day a little better?????

New shoes! :)

This is how I feel today....

I am determined to have a good last week of summer before school starts. I know it will be chaos once school starts because of open houses and waking up early and adjusting to a new schedule. And how does my lovely last week start? I chipped the same tooth that I just got fixed less than a month ago! This is the 3rd time to get it fixed!! So, have to work in a dentist visit today so I don't rub a hole in my tongue messing with the tooth. I am also dog sitting my friends' puppy while they get closed on their new house and both kiddos had runny noses yesterday. Niece will be born any day now and I forgot to pick up Hubby's meds yesterday. My brain needs a moment to wrap around everything and get a plan going! lol So I may be MIA for a few days to get a hold on all of this. :)